“Contributing to Puerto Rico’s Educational opportunities to innovate and change the world.”
The Coqui Education Program is a window to the world for the children of Puerto Rico.
This unique program promotes innovation and resilience collaborating with the existing school system, enriching their curriculum with interactive experiences and engaging communities.
“The Coqui Way”: educated, innovative, and resilient minds are necessary to be a productive member of society.
S.T.E.M. Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
Integrating activities based on STEM education into the current curriculum teaches teamwork, creativity, and real-world problem-solving skills for success in school and beyond.
COSI, Center of Science and Industry in Columbus, Ohio is a dynamic hands-on science center that offers different Interactive Videoconference Program; with their partnership children in Puerto Rico will connect students with scientists, doctors and COSI educators in Ohio, on a LIVE interactive two-way experience. We look forward to collaborate and develop this program in the upcoming school year.
Did You Know?
A child with poor or lack of social support, low socioeconomic status, and removal from his routine is at risk for a slow recovery time.
“The trip was an unforgettable experience, an amazing learning opportunity. The kids were talking about it for days and asked when they are going back. We are grateful for this opportunity. We hope to have many more.”
Mrs. Kenia Caraballo, School Director
Following Hurricane Maria, 265 schools have permanently closed.

The Resilience Psychology program provides psychosocial support throughout a series of workshops to instill resilience and help them overcome the recent traumatic events. It was introduced on May 16, 2018. Building resilience boosts children’s well-being, school performance, and prepares them for the future by providing the emotional foundation necessary for success in life.
Arts and Literature
The arts can provide the interconnecting building blocks for leadership skills necessary for every aspect in life. Promotes creativity, initiative, courage, diversity, improves academic performance, perseverance, collaboration, responsibility, resolution of conflict, commitment, accountability, attention to details, and results.
We introduced our Arts and Literature Program on May 19, 2018, by providing approximately 150 students and teachers of underserved communities the opportunity to experience the Off-Broadway show “Growing Up Gonzales” at El Teatro Yagüez, in Mayagüez. Our message is simple: Hope, Inspiration, and Motivation. Seek your passions and don’t be afraid to try something new in pursuit of your dreams.